
How to create a brand plan


What is a brand plan 

A brand plan which can also be called brand strategy is a long term plan to achieve a series of goals that results in the identification of your brand by consumers. The main goal of a brand plan is to create awareness about the existence of your brand. A good brand plan should contain your brand’s mission, vision, purpose and goals. 

How to create a brand plan

To create your brand plan you should answer the following questions; 

  1. Where could we be? 
  2. Where are we?
  3. Why are we here ? 
  4. How can we get there? 
  5. What do we need to do? 

Where could we be?

Answering this question will basically help you to plan your vision and goals. To create a vision, think of what your brand could become in the future, challenge yourself to think and dream big. A good vision should last 5-10 years, motivate your employees and partners, be laid out in simple and easy words and should create a healthy balance between aspiration and reality. Below are some examples of vision statements of some companies:

Where are we?

Answering this question helps you to analyze your brand, this analysis should create a starting point for what you want to carry into the brand plan. After this analysis you should focus on the things that are going well,develop plans that will reverse whatever is inhibiting growth, take advantage of any opportunities,identify threats and make plans to avoid them and also measure risk. 

Why are we here?

At this stage, create a list of everything that’s in the way of the brand’s vision and then narrow the list down to key issues, they shouldn’t be more than 5. Then you assemble the bb key issues into a question format, because when you ask the right questions then you will be able to find the best possible solutions.  

How can we get there?

This is the strategic stage, for you to come up with the right strategy make sure that your key issues are not too broad so that it can lead to a specific strategic solution. Your strategy can be any of the following;

  • If your brand is not known, make the brand stand out against competitors. 
  • If your customers have no loyalty to the brand or they are indifferent, you would want to tighten the bond that you have with them. 

These are just some examples, the best strategy for your brand can be very different from this, depending on what your key issues are. 

What do we need to do?

Finally you have to choose the main execution areas and create execution plans. For example if one of your execution areas is to create more brand awareness you launch a product that would be useful to your target audience. You can also repackage or redesign an already existing product. Schedule a call with us today to come up with the perfect creative ideas and packaging for your brand. 


Creating a brand plan is a step by step process that if followed properly can yield great results for your brand. Don’t forget to set S.M.A.R.T goals for your brand.  

  • Specific 
  • Measurable 
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound